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锯骨机商用电动冻肉排骨切骨机小型适用屠宰厂酒店餐馆 食品机械

有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-29 10:42
3432.00元/ 套
1 套
1000 套

(发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货)


  • 所在地区:北京
  • 收藏本公司 人气:1019
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    NC210新型锯骨机,锯骨机商用电动冻肉排骨切骨机小型 适用屠宰厂酒店餐馆 0.2S刹车技术(选配),世界领先,多项功能改进,操作更安全方便,性能更加稳定可靠!
    New Meat Bone Saw, Emergency Braking In 0.2 Seconds! Patent Pending, Water Flushing Directly, Meat And Bone Band Saw, Sliding Working Table With The Scale, Disassemble Topper Wheel, Motor Overheat Protection..




    可移动工作台带刻度和锁紧装置!工作更流畅,实现精确安全切割!Moveable Working table With the Scale and Locking knob

    iMettos New design & Advanced Meat bone saw / Band saw! Half of the table can be moveable, High quality Stainless steel made; Smooth Moving , Save time and effort, more accuracy, especially for cutting short bone, you can move the table to achieve the purpose of cutting in order to prevent slippery hand injuries , more safer!


    顶部调节锯带松紧度,相比其他部分机型通过调节被动轮或者电机升降来调节,更加方便和减损害! Saw Blade Tightness Adjust-ment With max. Limitation Design

    The iMettos bone saws / Band saw No need to lift the whole motor that common most bone saw model used way, now you can easy to adjust the blad tightness to set or disassemble the saw blade. With max. limitation blocker, don’t worry it may be twisted too tight.


    可卸载上部被动轮,方便清洁安装和维护!全圆角设计,不留卫生死角,内部可直接用水清洗!Disassemable Topper Wheel Easy to clean & maintainence,
    Smooth inner frame design, no hygiene dead angle, FLUSHING WATER DIRECTLY FOR CLEANING

    电机过热保护,开门停机保护Motor Overheat Protection 
    Emergency Stop Protection When door openning

    Powerful motor with cooling fan and overheat protection, Make your work more durable & stable, and keep the machine health!, We put the saftey first, when the door was accidentally opened, the machine won’t working.


    配备塑料接料盘Residue collection pan

    Collecting the most residue in this pan, Make cleaning easier!"};



